4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Keep Driving with a Scratched Windscreen

Scratches on your car's windscreen can be caused by anything from road debris to dirty wipers, and they can be an easy issue to ignore. However, you shouldn't be tempted to keep driving with a scratched windscreen, even if the issue seems minor. 

Here are four reasons why it's smarter to have the windscreen replaced as soon as possible.

1. Structural Integrity Can Be Compromised

It's easy to underestimate the importance of your windscreen, but it will play a pivotal role if you are ever involved in a collision. Modern vehicles are designed to manage and redirect impact energy in the unlikely event of an accident, and your windscreen handles part of that process. When it is scratched, it might not provide the right level of structural integrity, so impact forces won't be properly distributed, meaning you'll be more at risk of harm. Additionally, a damaged windscreen will be more likely to suffer further damage even in a minor accident since its structural integrity will have already been compromised.

2. Visibility Can Be Reduced

Anything that interferes with your ability to see through your windscreen should be considered a cause for concern. Scratches might seem like nothing more than annoyances, but they can obstruct your vision or distract you enough to reduce your ability to safely navigate the road. Bright sunlight or artificial lights at night can prove particularly problematic since scratches will tend to catch that light.

3. Wipers Can Be Damaged

Windscreen scratches can often be caused by worn or damaged wipers, and the wipers themselves can also be damaged by a scratched windscreen. As wipers move across scratches, sharp edges can start to wear them down and cause premature aging. This means you'll find yourself having to replace your wipers more often. More importantly, damaged wipers will be less able to keep the view ahead clear during periods of heavy rain or snow. Since worn wipers can then make a scratch worse, this issue often forms a vicious circle.

4. Scratches Will Usually Get Worse

Finally, it's worth remembering that scratches often grow worse over time. Any dirt or debris will find its way into the scratch, making it more visible and potentially making it deeper or wider. This often happens when you use your wipers since they will tend to direct any dirt or debris into the scratch. As such, you're often only delaying the inevitable when you ignore a scratch on your windscreen, so it's smarter to address the problem right away.

Contact a local vehicle windscreen replacement service to learn more. 
